Scandinavian Internationals
Tierp Arena, 25th-28th August 2016

Torsdag / Thursday

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We have now posted today's gallery which can be checked out via the Event Index. There are 160 pictures in all; if you do not see all 160 updated thumbnails when you load the gallery page then click on your Browser's Refresh button.


Chucking it down with rain and the radar shows this going on for a very long time so we have been called for today.

Stay tuned and in a while we will bring you today's gallery as well as some shots from around the pits yesterday.


Raining very heavily now and the radar looks horrible. A lighthouse has been set up at the end of the shutdown area to warn shipping away.


Comp Eliminator qualifying session 1

The timing system's commentators' screen here doesn't show performance agsint index so I'll have to improvise. Lars-Georg Johansson and Robert Arthursson both with tyrespin at the hit, Lars-Georg's motor screamed for mercy whilst Robert's Camaro turned right and paid our photographer Grace a visit by the guardrail. Both shut off in moments. Bjørn Johansen pushed away before starting, Jimmy Tihvan (7.37) took the bye, fantastic 6.7107 and that wasn't entirely straight so more in there. Jimmy #1 at that point. 6.8188 for Hans Falkenberg (6.89) but smoke from the motor just at the stripe, track checked and all OK. Lots of sparks from under Fredrik Olehag's motor as his altered launched, I am guessing clutch. Wheelspin at the hit for Stig Olsson and Lasse Britsmar, bost lost time to it though. Looked like trans problems for Jan Ekström, in the other lane Angelica Bäckman clocked 7.1118 against 7.61 index good for #2 behind Jimmy Tihvan. 0.0007 Perfect Light for Matti Rajamäki - well done Matti! - then 9.0227 against 9.20 good for #3 at that point. Careful check of the other lane in which Stefan Persson had run, looked like small piece pick-up then a sweep from the tractor.

Plenty more Comp cars to run but on hold for spots of rain.


Pro Street qualifying session 1

7.6 breakout in this class. Blackstripe about 100 feet out for Peter Nordlund's '61 Ford Starliner, still a 7.9021. Left lane Last Photographer burnout by Jens Petter Lindstrøm, that was our good buddy and Contributing Photographer Patrik Jacobsson down there about 200 feet out. 7.6612 for Lars Berglund put him #1 at that point, 7.5972 breakout for Jens Petter. Paired tyre-spinning yet wheels-up launches by Michael Ohlson and Ola Andersson, both featuring serious turns on pedalling. Big tyre spin at the hit for Peter Trång, aborted the run. 7.5791 breakout for Pär Norgren in the other lane. Wheelspin, pedal, wheelspin, drifting, then a serious left move for Jan Birkenes' '41 Willys. Close to the centre line and off the gas before the eighth. Fantastic 7.6139 for Johan Källberg goo for #1 at that point. 250-foot burnouts by Daniel Hållestan in the big '59 Plymouth and Fredrik Gravningen in the Chevy pick-up. The cloud from Daniel's nitrous purge set some kind of altitude record then a great 7.5252 for #2 spot. Big wheelie for Kenneth Lingvald and rear end unloaded on landing, shut it off and idled through, in the other lane Joakim Andersson shut it off after about 300 feet. Victor Roos and Marcus Pettersson in side-by-side 7.62, 7.6646 and 7.6225 respectively, Victor #5 and Marcus #2 at that point. 7.6816 for Seppo Raussi, #6 after that pair but lots of crew out in his lane appearing to be picking up small bits. Fluid clean-up and sweep and sled by the tractor. Final pair Laura Saksa and Micke Norén, flash of flame under Micke's car right on the stripe, smoke all the way down the shutdown area. Track checked and doesn't look like the major clean-up crew have been called, just sledding.


Super Comp qualifying session 1

8.9840 for Maja Udtian in the first pair, picked up some of dad's genes although she does of course have the right to be recognised as a real good racer in her own right. Roberth Mellin left before the lights ran next pair, Micke Nilsson held for a clear track and then ran 8.7405, that was with an early shut-off by the look of it. Paired breakouts for Sami Holm and Niklas Öhlin. My first look at Eskil Granslåen Rolstad's dragster, looks like a turn-key import from the States judging by the livery. 9.0837 good for #2 at that point, big 8.6882 breakout for Börje Palmgren in the other lane. Nice 8.9393 for Kristina Nygren good for #1. Next pair and even though he is 100 feet or so down the track I can see the smile on Photographer Julian's face as Leif Nyström's VW Beetle appears through the arch and into the lane which Julian is covering. Huge 8.4559 breakout by Leif maybe as a favour to Julian, in the other lane 8.9522 by Göran Gustavsson good for #2 at that point. Paired 8.8s for Leif Andersson and Bosse Ragnebro. 8.9528 put Anders Brändström into #3 at that point. Last Photographer burnout by Björn Holteberg in the big Chevrolet Delivery, the last photog being David Lagerlöf who does a great job of looking after the media here at Tierp Arena and who was about 200 feet down the track. Stefan Jansson going great guns then shut off shortly after shifting to second. Anders Back also with a Last Photographer burnout and David still the last photog. Anders backed out of it then stabbed it again just before the stripe but still broke out with an 8.8503. Mikael Modin into #1 next pair at 8.9264, top five in the 8.9s at that point. One of Hampus Gisslén's crew got what looked like a severe ticking-off from starter Nettan for something, I didn't spot what it was. 8.9355 in the other lane good for #2. Mauritz Rådberg closed the session, 8.8927 breakout.


Super Gas qualifying session 1

9.9546 for Thomas Hauge in the second pair put him #1, that was with wheelspin off the line so would have broken out had the tyres hooked up immediately. 9.9514 for Jan Hallman next pair took the lead off Thomas. 9.9808 by Håkan Mattsson good for #3 next pair. 9.9586 by Patrik Wickman in his awesome Volvo Amazon was good for #3 at that point. Paired breakouts for Annica Larsson and Stefan Andersson, probably egging one another on at the top end. 9.9888 for Stig Svanberg good for #6, at that point that made the top six in the 9.9s. Jan Jonsson with Best Breakout so far, 9.7909. Six in the 9.9s is how the session ended.


Super Street qualifying session 1

10.8095 breakout by Kenny Åsberg in the first pair, Kenneth Öberg off the pace at 11.4296 but qualified above Kenny. Great 10.9153 off the trailer by Tommy Borg good for #1 spot. Ida Östman into #2 next pair at 11.0256, in the other lane Buster Cadle's motor hesitated off the line, didn't look like thottle stop. 11.0101 by Ulf Axelsson next pair put him #2 at that point. Body language of Halvor Överby's wife after his 11.1173 was quite something, he could be in trouble on his return to the pits. Uffe Lundgren in to #2 at 11.0097 next pair. 10.9668 for Mauri Kampinnen put him into #2 to close the session.


Junior Dragster qualifying session 1

A lot of new names since the last time I was here, always good to see new racers in JD even if some of those names are going to be a mare to type quickly. First to leave the line at the 2016 Scandinavian Internationals Villiam Svensson at 0.3254. 0.058 by Justin Ericsson in the second pair gave him a good early hold on #1. 0.0840 by Swedish Championship leader Simon Andersson who missed out on qualifying at Hockenheim last week. Next pair and a 0.079 by Jack Sundström put him #2 at that point. Håvard Kongshem into #1 at 0.0211 next pair. 0.066 by Lucas Karlsson two pairs later put him #3 at that point. Jesper Norin's dragster pushed back to the pits whilst the next pair were staging. Deep staged 0.079 by William Serler good for #4 in that pair. 0.0167 for Hampus Sundqvist put him into #1 spot in the following pair. Top seven 0.0840 apart at that point. 0.0722 for Fanny Olsson put her #6 and made that the top eight. Side-by-side 0.0599 for Fanny Andersson and 0.0723 for Tomas Nurminen put them #4 and #8 respectively. Niklas Larsson in at #6 next pair at 0.0699. 0.0840 gets you #11 after this session, Hampus Sundqvist #1 at 0.0167.


Here we go then. Don't forget that the full standings will be posted at right. Hit Refresh and you will find that very shortly the error at right clears and the results start to appear.


Having observed before now that the racing surface here at Tierp Arena seems to dry quickly I made a quick enquiry of Lee Child of sponsors Lee Child International Track Prep Services and LA Racing Parts. Lee confirmed that concrete tracks do indeed dry more quickly. He explained that asphalt contains nooks and crannies into which water can seep and hang around, and that however much rubber there is on an asphalt surface it will not seal off all of those gaps. As a concrete surface is contiguous the water just sits on top and is more easily cleared or evaporates. In addition when there has been warm weather - for example it was a beautiful day here yesterday - the heat absorbed by the track does not disappear overnight, literally or figuratively.

Thanks to Lee for that information, it's not often that we learn something from down time.

The Junior Dragsters have been called back to the lanes. Soon be time to go racing.


The rain has stopped and as seems the way with concrete surfaces it has dried quickly; sledding is now taking place. Work continues on the shutdown area. Swedish folk music on the radio station, which is a big improvement.


According to Google Maps we are 22.5 miles from the Gulf of Bothnia. If it rains much more I would not be surprised to see the Stockholm-Turku ferry come floating up the strip from the general direction of the gravel trap. Oh and just to help Your Reporter's mood they are playing country music on the track radio station... one is reluctant to say "Stay tuned" but you know what I mean.


Good morning and welcome from Tierp Arena for our coverage of the Scandinavian Internationals brought to you in association with John Woolfe Racing.

Low overcast but dry here at Tierp Arena and the first classes have already been called to the lanes. No less a person that multiple FIA European Pro Stock Champion Jimmy Ålund is checking out the start line right now. Today's and tomorrow's provisional running orders are now available on the Event Index page courtesy of Tomas Pettersson.

Because full qualifying lists are being published courtesy of Time-Tree we are using the popular split-screen format for our reports, similar to last week's coverage from Hockenheim. We will post commentaries of Sportsman qualifying sessions and then round winners in Sportsman eliminations but we will of course continue to post the full reports and results in Pro classes. As soon as the first results are posted the lists at right will change to the Scandinavian Internationals. There are no pit notes this weekend as Simon is back in England to cover the Open Sport Nationals at Shakespeare County Raceway which starts on Saturday... a big Good Morning to you Simon.

Good morning also to all of the Eurodragsterholics especially those who are tuned in from their day jobs. We will do our best to get the reports to you as quickly as possible. Don't any of you get in trouble with your bosses apart from Tobbe Ekström who has his own arrangements.

Please remember that neither nor our sponsors look kindly upon reports, results or pictures being stolen from our Event Coverage and posted on Facebook or elsewhere. Links and shares: fine. Anything else: not fine. If in doubt then please enquire at

Stay tuned and as soon as the wheels start to turn we'll bring you the news.

Reports and pictures ©